Elsie Swash Caps

Elsie Free Font Family is inspired by feminine energy. This new typeface was created to celebrate the world of women, glamour, and fashion. It combines the strength of Bodoni with the softness of italics. Sensitive, attractive, full of personality, innovative and subtle with both classic and new design features. I aimed to add expressive features to the letters, providing nuances that make this a unique vision of Bodoni type. It provides an option to the type which readers often encounter.

The font was developed by Alejandro Inler in conjunction with Ana Sanfelippo.

There are two Elsie families, a Regular family, and this Swash Caps family, each with regular weight and a black weight suitable for large display usage.

Designed by Alejandro Inler

Try this font

Elsie Swash Caps Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Elsie Swash Caps Black The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: TTF Size: 39 Kb

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