Mr Darcy

Only occasionally are we graced with a font so pleasant and enjoyable to our company as the wonderfully amiable Mr. Darcy. Even the most casual study of the face conveys to the reader a character not refined overnight but through careful trial and concentrated effort. The gentlemanly elegance of this yet contemporary font so easily calls to mind such Victorian estates that one imagines in many a classic of Ms. Austin or Ms. Eyre.

The employ of the Mr. Darcy family moreover demands that you see to the matters found in the User’s Guideline for all OpenType options and that you employ a program such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe PhotoShop, CorelDRAW, or Quark that supports OpenType features. Such OpenType options exist to help you develop and display your vision uniquely. It should be noted as well that Mr. Darcy with its five distinct weights offers you the versatility of character as possessed only by a refined gentleman.

A sight of stability and grace, Mr. Darcy is greatly enabled to lead your work as it dances airily in good humor across the page. One should not be so sorry to make himself more acquainted with this face and even to engage it in further matters of business in the future, thereby finding himself at so happy an end of satisfaction and success.

Designed by Insigne Design

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Mr Darcy Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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