Queen of Camelot

After several revisions to Queen of Camelot Free Font a slightly different version has emerged and joins the 2.0 class. Improved metrics, kerning, and completely redrawn glyphs are the most notable upgrades to the original. This all-caps display font features many rounded corners with no variation in width. Punctuation is included as is basic Latin, extended Latin, diacritics, Cyrillic, fractions, and kerning. There are 3 versions included in the complete family. Use it for a logo, sports ad, magazine, or social media. The demo includes basic Latin, Cyrillic, numbers, limited punctuation, and kerning. Please purchase the full version for commercial use.

Designed by Sharkshock

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Queen of Camelot Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: OTF Size: 1141 Kb

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