Sugar & Vinegar

Sugar & Vinegar Free Font is an old-fashioned font, with a “handmade” warm touch, avoiding geometric shapes and sharp corners, created with a fluid, personal and expressive line, not relying on grids or very strict guidelines. To conclude, my intention was to create a happy font with a hint to classics and styles that illustrates La Belle Époque.
The inspiration for this font was initially a single question mark but it has evolved a lot since. The first version I am pleased to release is finished after eight-month and I hope the use of the font will well worth it.
The font includes a large variety of alternates, some of which can be enabled as an open type feature if it’s not generated by default. Switching regular numbers into roman numerals is just one of the special open type features included in this font, besides the automated decimal highlights, the ordinal indicators or the fractions (the decimal number underlines are meant basically for price displays, inspired by old seven elevens). Open type fonts have two of my passions, design, and coding, but like any software, the font is also “open” to bugs, so if anything is out of place, a bug report is always welcomed. Just let me know.

Designed by Levi Szekeres

Try this font

Sugar & Vinegar Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: TTF Size: 627 Kb

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