Taman Signature

Taman Signature  Free Font is a stylish modern script with casual-chic flair. It is perfect for branding, wedding invites and cards, and maybe for red wine labels.Taman Signature includes a full set of gorgeous uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, a large range of punctuation, and 76 ligatures. All lowercase letters include beginning and ending swashes, giving realistic hand-lettered style. Use the character sets the way they are, or mix them up and use the additional options to create authentic-looking hand-lettered pieces. Check out the previews to see what you can do. This script is perfect for wedding suites, social media, blogs, titles, magazine layouts, monograms, businesses, and anywhere you need a free-flowing modern-looking script. Please purchase the full version for commercial use.

Designed by Gilar Studio

Try this font

Taman Signature Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: TTF Size: 28 Kb

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