
UnifrakturCook Free Font is a blackletter font. It is based on Peter Wiegel’s font Koch fette deutsche Schrift which is in turn based on a 1910 typeface by Rudolf Koch. While the glyph design of Peter Wiegel’s font has hardly been changed at all, UnifrakturCook uses smart font technologies for displaying the font’s ligatures (OpenType, Apple Advanced Typography and SIL Graphite). An experimental feature is the distinction of good blackletter typography between required ligatures ‹ch, ck, ſt, tz› that must be kept when letter spacing is increased, and regular ligatures (for instance, ‹fi, fl›) that are broken up when letter spacing is increased.

Designed by j. 'mach' wust

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UnifrakturCook Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: TTF Size: 28 Kb

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