
Poly Free Font Family was final project for the postgraduate certificate in typeface design (University of Buenos Aires). Poly was originally designed for aglutinative languages, (which is why it’s wide) specifically a South American indigenous language (Wayuunaiki). I paid a lot of attention to the “diacritics zone” to harmonize and unclutter the upper zones of the lowercase letters.

Poly is a medium contrast serif font. With short ascenders and a very high x-height, Poly is efficient in small sizes. Thanks to its careful balance between the x-height and glyph widths, it allows more economy and legibility than standard web serifs, even in small sizes. The aglutinative language for which it was designed contains very long words. The goal was to develop a typeface that would tolerate cramped tracking and that would increase the number of letters on a single line. Poly is a Unicode typeface family that supports Open Type features and languages that use the Latin script and its variants.

Designed by José Nicolás Silva Schwarzenberg

Try this font

Poly Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Poly Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: OTF Size: 70 Kb

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