
Renner Free Font is a font for the digital age. It’s based on the work of Paul Renner, the designer of Futura. Renner Free Font is an original font that aims to keep the attitude of Futura rather than the exact design. Futura was designed to be functional in its day and in that spirit, Renner* aims to be as functional as possible in the digital era. For that reason it deviates from the exact designs of Paul Renner, favoring, for example, a larger x-height. It also includes features, many of which would not be possible in the era of Paul Renner. Renner* has 9 weights, ranging from Hairline to Black. It can support many languages, includes stylistic alternatives, and both tabular and proportional numbers. Get the complete and up-to-date version of this font here.

Designed by Owen Earl

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Renner Book 400 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: TTF Size: 33 Kb

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