
Yrsa Free Font Family supports some 45 languages in Latin. A version that also supports 2 languages in the Gujarati script, Gujarati, and Kachchi, is available as Rasa. In terms of glyphs included, Yrsa is a subset of Rasa and includes the complete Latin by itself, while in Rasa the Latin is adjusted to support the primary Gujarati design.

The project design and production was done in-house by Anna Giedryś and David Březina. What makes the Yrsa and Rasa project different is the design approach. It is a deliberate experiment in remixing existing typefaces to produce a new one. The Latin part began with Eben Sorkin’s Merriweather. The Gujarati began with David Březina’s Skolar Gujarati.

Designed by Rosetta

Try this font

Yrsa Light The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Yrsa Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Yrsa Medium The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Yrsa SemiBold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Yrsa Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Inside: TTF Size: 224 Kb

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